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আমার প্রিয় কিছু ঈদ SMS

১৮ ই সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৯ সকাল ১১:০২
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :

EID mane Khusi,Eid mane Aanondo,
EID aase volia dita sokol Bivad Dondo,
EID mane vola jawa joto Dokkho Voi
EIDar motoe Tur Jibonta houq Diptimoy....

Eccha golo Akas cholo,Vaslo meghar sari,Eid Mubarak sms
Eccha golo Akas cholo,Vaslo meghar sari,
Khusir jhora tepantore hridoy dilo pari,
Moner maje setar baje khusita mon saje,
Eidar din huq Rongin ai kamonate...EID MUBARAK

Tomar jonna Sokal,Dupur tomar jonna Sondha,
Tomar jonna sokol Gulap & Rojonigondha.
Tomar jonnae sob Sur tomar jonnae Chondo
Noton Bochor boya anuk Onabil Anondo.

Look Outside...
It's so pleasant!
Sun Smiling For you...
Trees Dancing for you...
Birds singing for you...
Because I requested them All to wish You
Eid Mubarak

Before the Golden Sun Rise,
let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success, prosperous and Happiness for you and for your family.
Happy Eid

Earth can forget rotating, Bird can forget flying, Candle can forget melting, Heart can forget beating but I’ll never forget to wish U “Happy Eid"

When the sun has set, and day is done-
I'll break this chain, but only one.
By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone!
It's time for Eid and lots of fun!!!

May on this EID the Plate of your life is filled with juicy Kababs & Tikkas topped with Chatni of Happiness and covered with Salad of Love.

No shadows to depress u, Only joys to surround u, ALLAH himself to bless u, these r my wishes for u, Today, tomorrow, and every day. Eid Mubarak

I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.Eid Mubarak

May the noor of this month illuminate ur heart, mind and soul n may all ur duas be answered. Remember me in your prayers. EID MUBARAK

With all the love an sms can hold, and happy wishes too..
This comes to say! May the Eid day be wonderful for you

My Blessing, Congratulations and Good wishes.
I wish you the best of everything for not only in EID
but also all the years ahead.

Some words can be left unsaid,
Some feeling can be left unexpressed,
But person like u can never be forgotten on this day
****EID MUBARAK*****

May every minute 0f your “EID”
Be happy warm n bright..
May all your hopes n dreams
Turn 0ut exactly right
Happiness at EID is wished for You !!

May this year Eid gives,
You all the happiness and,
Joy of this world and,
Hope that the blessing,
Of the AL-Mighty be with u,
****Eid Mubarik****

I wish a wish for u.
The wish i wish for few.
The wish i wish for u is that
your all wishes come true
so keep on wishing
as my all wishes are with you.
Eid Mubarak

You are awarded a bouqet of good deeds,
a vase of blessing,
a parachut of glad itdings
4 completing da holy ramadan.


Hope Love & Laughter, warmth & wishes joy and a Bouquet of Eid Wishes,
Especially for you!!!
jublications become a past of your eid and your life....!

May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness,ur heart with love,ur soul with spirtual, ur mind with wisdom,wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarik

May this year Eid gives,
You all the happiness and,
Joy of this world and,
Hope that the blessing,
Of the AL-Mighty be with u,

Wishing you all a very happy eid,
And hoping that all the things you wish
For will be yours throughout the year.
Eid mubarak!!

Wishing you smiles and all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts, you have ever wanted, and all the joy and laugher you have ever wished

May this...Eid bring Fun
May this...
Eid bring Fun, Eid bring Happiness,
Eid bring God Endless Blessings,
Eid bring fresh love...
EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes

Do you know the Meaning of EID?
I think it means "ENJOY in DUNIYA!!"
So, In your life all moments bring EID for you....

On the canvas of life we often go off colour, but as long as people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow!
Eid mubarak.

Here comes the day,once in a blue moon.
With chanda mama shinin up bright
And blessing everyone… Her luv so tender, merciful.
Shinin down on the earth wishin us
“Happy eid”.”Eid mubarakh”

When my arms can’t reach people close to my heart.
I always hug them with my prayers.
May allah’s peace be with you.
A very happy eid mubarak 2 U.

Network busy number busy
No signal massege not sent….
That’s what we’ll see on !St day of ”Eid”
So “Happy Eid Day” before the rush start.

Something in your smile speak to me.
Something in your voice sings to me.
Some thing in your eyes says to me
That you are the dearest friend to me..
Eid mubarak

With all the roses perfume
And with all the lights in the world,
And with all the childrenTs smiles
I wish you a very happy eid!

The moon been sight,its time to celebrate,
the end of the fasting in a special way.
To friends & family a very happy Eid Mubarak!!

May allah honour you,
Forgive you,
Purify you,
Accept ur all ibadat and dua.
Elevate you,
Inspire you and
Envelope you with his noor,
Mercy and protect you.
Wish you a Happy Eid.

U fasted,u prayed,
U been good 4 a whole 30 days.
So ur meciful lord gave u a sign,
Out came the moon 2 say come celebrate.
Happy Eid mubarak!!

During This Eid Season,
May You Be Blessed
With The Spirit Of The Season,
Which Is Peace,
The Gladness Of The Season,
Which Is Hope,
And The Heart Of The Season,
Which Is Love

A Special Wish For A Wonderful Friend On,
” E I D – U L – F I T A R ”
May U Find Success In All Endeavors..
May U Find Happiness In Whatever U Do..
May ALLAH Blessings Be Always With U.. !!
*_* ( H A P P Y ) ( E I D ) ( D A Y ) *_*

MaY EverY Minute.,
Of Your
EiD Be HaPPY Warm And BriGht.,
MaY All Your HoPes And Dreams Turn Out ExactlY RiGht.,
AT ” EiD ”
Is Wished For You.,

The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua’s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
“Eid Mubarak”

Its more than just an Eid wish,
more than a message too.
For it comes with warm and loving thoughts
because it’s meant for you.

Everyone Sent U
Tradition Words About
Eid But I m The Fist One
To Send U
Keep On Eating
Different Dishes
On This Season … ;->

After Congrigational Eid Prayer,
Sentiment Reciprocated With Deep Sense Of Gratitude
And Manifestation.
Very Very Happy Eid To You And Your Family …

We'll eat spicy chicken,
nd mouthwatering pakoras,
I’ll call my neighbours,
nd friends on d street,
may the peace ov Allah,
nd joy of Eid,
be wid every1.

Today I pray tht
Happiness be at your door
May it knock early
Stay late and leave the gift ov Allah's
Peace, love, joy and good health behind

May u remain happy all the time
irrespective ov any occasion
Eid Mubarak

Scratch it
EiD M||||||
EiD MU|||||
EiD MUB||||
.::. EiD MUBARAK .::.

Can I Stay
Wait Till The End Of Ramzan
Can B
The 1st Who
Very sweet
Happy Eid Mubarik

On The Pages Of Roses
With The Ink Of MoonLight
A Pen Of Love Have Written
Only Few Words For U

With petals of roses,
Palm full of holy water,
Light of sunshine,
Fragrance of Flowers
Grass with the dew
I wish a very

Beware of other duplicate “EID wishers”
I’m the only authorized ISO 2009
certified dealer in EID WISHES
I wish u an original sweet EID Mubarak

Eid days are meant to celebrate
the goals and the achievements
that make you happiest.
The ideals you believe in,
the dream you love the best.

May the magic of this EID
bring lots of happiness in ur life
& may u celebrate it wid
all ur close friends
& may it fill ur HEART wid love

A time for joy,
A time for togetherness,
A time to remember my blessings..
For me… it’s you!
May Allah Bless you &
Give u all the joy u bring to my life!

On the canvas of life we often go off color,
but as long as people like you are there
to add the right shades,
life goes on to be a rainbow!
Eid mubarak

Earth can forget rotating,
Bird can forget flying,
Candle can forget melting,
Heart can forget beating
I’ll never forget to wish You “Happy Eid”

May Allah flood your life
with happiness on this occasion,
ur heart with love,
ur soul with spirtual,
ur mind with wisdom,
Wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarak

May God send his Love like Sunshine
In His warm and gentle ways
To fill every corner of your Heart
And filled your Life with a lot of
Happiness like this EID DAY.
Wishing you EID MUBARAK.

May the Auspicious Occasion of Eid ,
bless you with peace
bring joy to your heart and home.
EID Mubarak

Many Blessing, Congratulations and Good wishes.
I wish you the best of everything
for not only in EID-UL-Fitr but also
all the years ahead.
১টি মন্তব্য ১টি উত্তর

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন

ছবি সংযুক্ত করতে এখানে ড্রাগ করে আনুন অথবা কম্পিউটারের নির্ধারিত স্থান থেকে সংযুক্ত করুন (সর্বোচ্চ ইমেজ সাইজঃ ১০ মেগাবাইট)
Shore O Shore A Hrosho I Dirgho I Hrosho U Dirgho U Ri E OI O OU Ka Kha Ga Gha Uma Cha Chha Ja Jha Yon To TTho Do Dho MurdhonNo TTo Tho DDo DDho No Po Fo Bo Vo Mo Ontoshto Zo Ro Lo Talobyo Sho Murdhonyo So Dontyo So Ho Zukto Kho Doye Bindu Ro Dhoye Bindu Ro Ontosthyo Yo Khondo Tto Uniswor Bisworgo Chondro Bindu A Kar E Kar O Kar Hrosho I Kar Dirgho I Kar Hrosho U Kar Dirgho U Kar Ou Kar Oi Kar Joiner Ro Fola Zo Fola Ref Ri Kar Hoshonto Doi Bo Dari SpaceBar
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :
আলোচিত ব্লগ

সনজিদা খাতুনের শেষকৃত্য

লিখেছেন মঞ্জুর চৌধুরী, ২৭ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ১০:০৪

আমি যেমন একজন মুসলিম, আমি যখন মারা যাব, আমার এক্সপেক্টেশন থাকবে আমাকে গোসল দিয়ে কাফনে মুড়িয়ে জানাজার নামাজ পড়ে আমাকে কবর দেয়া হবে। আমি খুবই ধন্য হবো যদি জানাজার নামাজের... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০২৫: সংকট কাটিয়ে স্থিতিশীলতার পথে?

লিখেছেন শাম্মী নূর-এ-আলম রাজু, ২৭ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ১০:৩১

প্রতিকী ছবি

বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি বর্তমানে এক সংকটময় সন্ধিক্ষণে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে। মূল্যস্ফীতি লাগামছাড়া, বিনিয়োগকারীদের মনে অনিশ্চয়তার ছায়া, বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার রিজার্ভ হ্রাস এবং রাজস্ব ঘাটতি যেন অর্থনীতির জন্য এক ধাঁধার... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

আপসকামী বিরোধী রাজনীতিবিদদের জন্য পাঁচ আগস্ট দ্বিতীয় স্বাধীনতা নয়.....

লিখেছেন সৈয়দ কুতুব, ২৭ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ১১:০১

..... বলেছেন নাগরিক জাতীয় পার্টির আহবায়ক নাহিদ ইসলাম। নাহিদ মিয়া বিএনপির নেতা মির্জা আব্বাস ও ফখরুল সাহেব কে উদ্দেশ্য করে এই মন্তব্য করেছেন। নাগরিক জাতীয় পার্টির নেতারা নিজেদের পচানোর... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

সফলতার গফ শোনান ব্যর্থতার দায় নেবেন না?

লিখেছেন সোমহেপি, ২৮ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ১:৪৩

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ক্রেডিট নিতে চান ভাল কথা, লুটপাট ও পাকিস্তানের বিপরীতে ভারতের স্ত্রী হয়া ঠাপ খাওনের দায়টাও নেন। অপ্রকাশিত সবগুলো চুক্তিপ্রকাশ করেন। ইন্ডিয়ার হাসফাস দেখে মনে হচ্ছে হাসিনা তাগো অক্সিজেন ছিলো... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

আমরা যদি পুড়ি, তবে তোমরাও আমাদের সঙ্গে পুড়বে !

লিখেছেন সৈয়দ কুতুব, ২৮ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ বিকাল ৫:০১

২২ বছর ধরে একচ্ছত্র ক্ষমতা, রাষ্ট্রীয় প্রতিষ্ঠান দখল, বিরোধীদের দমন—এরদোয়ানের শাসনযন্ত্র এতদিন অপ্রতিরোধ্য মনে হতো। কিন্তু এবার রাজপথের তরুণরা সেই ধারণাকে চ্যালেঞ্জ জানাচ্ছে। তুরস্ক এখন বিদ্রোহের দোরগোড়ায় দাঁড়িয়ে। ইস্তাম্বুলের জনপ্রিয়... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন
