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Budget And Reviews Samsung Refrigerator

০৯ ই জুন, ২০২০ সকাল ৯:৫৯
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :

Samsung Along with modern technology, they have been offering affordable cost. In this festival, Samsung has introduced a new non-frost type direct cold refrigerator with an outstanding outlook and designing Samsung Refrigerator Price in Bangladesh.

This three Door refrigerator is made of durable stainless still and glossy finishing nine-layer VCM door sheet. This model is effective at keeping the food secure for a longer time and keeping the proper minerals and vitamins of their meals. Some of the essential characteristics of this model are provided below.

- This is an outstanding looking version of refrigerator with sophisticated design. This three-door refrigerator is good enough to take care of the food health properly.
Capable of keeping the usage of energy within the limitation.
- Smart built-in voltage stabilizer will protect your fridge from any damage due to an abnormal supply of power.
- A vegetable crisper box is granted to keep the green food safely with real aroma and test.
It has been used in the compressor. This cooling technology retains the power bill within the limit.
- Samsung has many sockets around the country. Therefore you would easily have this version at your closest appliances showrooms of Samsung at affordable prices.

- There is nothing special to mention, but you need to have good enough room to keep this particular model.

Design and dimension
Samsung Granite is a standard tower shape black color non compacted direct cooling refrigerator with a maximum storage capacity of 452 liters. This model has inverter technology foundation cooling features and three doors. Together with the top mount freezer segment center section is allocated for a fridge, and the bottom part has a basket to store green food with real evaluation. The complete body consists of 2 layers PCM side cupboard sheet, and the door is made of 9 layers VCM doorway. This actively builds cooling machine is capable of carrying the coolness using the compartment correctly. In the refrigerator compartment, you'll find two glass plate is provided to maintain the food in addition to bottle is capable of keeping six bottles at a time. At the peak of the section, one chilled room is given to generate the food cool immediately. Besides, you might also store eggs in the egg tray by using two pocket trays.
On the other hand, the freezer compartment has ample storage space to store hefty food. In general, this is a family-size version of the fridge to store the meals in perfect condition. According to the size, you got to have well enough room to keep this model properly in your area.

Accessible features
This is a Contemporary technology foundation model of the fridge with simple operating characteristics. A few of the critical features of this version are provided below.

NanoTech: This is one of the critical features of any compartments of refrigerators. Nano attribute is not just accountable for keeping the food storage area perfect for the food but also supply pleasant small every time you open the door of the mini refrigerator price in Bangladesh.

ECozen: this is a green technology maintaining the food secure for a longer time in addition to ensure proper mineral and vitamin of the food.

Refrigerant Petrol R600a: this model was using harmful CFC and HCFC gasoline-free modern R600a refrigerant gas. This is eco-friendly cooling cycle generates proper coolness of this compartment to keep the food secure as well as retain electricity invoices within the limit.

Dynamic air Stream: Unlike the overall refrigerant version, this contemporary time refrigerator flow the air dynamically. Therefore airflow to all the compartments proportionately as a result food stays fresh with an appropriate amount of humidity.

Tempered that can maintain the maximum food at a time.
Smart Build-In Voltage Stabilizer: Construct in voltage stabilizer is given to create sure about the protection of the compressor. The refrigerator can be bothered because of the abnormal power source. To restrain the electricity voltage stabilizer, work for a protector.

Vegetable Crisper: alongside freezer and refrigerator section vegetable crisper section is given at the bottom of the fridge to maintain the green meals safe with appropriate vitamin and mineral.

Inverter Technologies: Inverter technologies are given to keep the electricity supply stable. These intelligent power supply features restrain the electricity function and use an appropriate quantity of electricity to run the machine. So at the end of the month that your power bill will remain within the limitation.

Nine layers VCM Door sheet: These nine layers VCM door sheet is durable and long-lasting. It has the power to maintain the coolness inside the compartment for more time.

The seven-layer PCM Side cupboard sheet: lasting stainless still-made seven-layered sheets is powerful enough to keep the fridge safe for a longer time.

Electrical Features: A refrigerator is a daily appliance using usual power supply features. Samsung Refrigerator is a standard appliance. This version is smoothly run with a regular voltage of 220V to 230V. This model only consumes 600 watts. Therefore at the end of the month that your power bill will be remaining with the potential.

Price and Accessibility
Samsung is a renowned brand all around the country, and they have many showrooms all over the nation. You would easily have this model at your nearest home and kitchen appliances showrooms of Samsung within budget.

Samsung has made a radical change in the Bangladeshi appliances marketplace. They aren't only making the product reachable to all types of people but also taking care of the grade of the item.

If you are searching for family size, modern features maximum storage capacity-based version of refrigerator than Samsung fridge price in Bangladesh is the correct choice for you.

সর্বশেষ এডিট : ০৯ ই জুন, ২০২০ সকাল ১০:০৭
০টি মন্তব্য ০টি উত্তর

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন

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Shore O Shore A Hrosho I Dirgho I Hrosho U Dirgho U Ri E OI O OU Ka Kha Ga Gha Uma Cha Chha Ja Jha Yon To TTho Do Dho MurdhonNo TTo Tho DDo DDho No Po Fo Bo Vo Mo Ontoshto Zo Ro Lo Talobyo Sho Murdhonyo So Dontyo So Ho Zukto Kho Doye Bindu Ro Dhoye Bindu Ro Ontosthyo Yo Khondo Tto Uniswor Bisworgo Chondro Bindu A Kar E Kar O Kar Hrosho I Kar Dirgho I Kar Hrosho U Kar Dirgho U Kar Ou Kar Oi Kar Joiner Ro Fola Zo Fola Ref Ri Kar Hoshonto Doi Bo Dari SpaceBar
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :
আলোচিত ব্লগ

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আপনি একজনের ১৭ বছর একই ওয়াজ করা বক্তব্যকে বাইবেল আর মেজর ডালিমের বক্তব্যকে... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন
