কৌতুকগুলো অনুবাদ করলেই মানে নষ্ট হয়ে যাবে তাই ইংরেজী ভার্সনটাই কপি পেস্ট করলাম।
Swine Flu: Past tense “when pigs fly.”
Mullahs and Rabbis on Swine Flu: “We told you. Wait. What?”
Pigs on Swine Flu: "You should totally try turkey bacon and ham."
Turkeys respond to Pigs: "Bird flu, bitches. Our bacon sux. Eat tofurkey."
In light of Swine Flu Tofu Bacon offers service.
Flu victims: "We’re not that sick, really."
Swine Flu responds to criticism: “Hey, Salma Hayek started in Mexico too and you’d totally let her in your house."
Mullahs and Rabbis: “Salma Hayek is totally hawt. Wait, what? No, wait. Swine Flu Sux.”
I remember someone saying when they heard Barack Obama was running for president in 2008 that he would win when pigs fly.
Well, swine flu.You have it.
আরো খুঁজে পেলে পরে যোগ করবো।