Imam Khomeini (RA) and the 'Dawn of the Islamic Revolution'
It is true to say that people cannot stage a revolution without leadership, just as the leadership cannot fulfill a revolution without the people's forces. In Iran's Islamic Revolution, the two sides (the leadership and the people) were in fact, two sides of the same coin; Imam Khomeini (RA) , as the leader of the Revolution, fully represents the people and the people display Imam Khomeini (RA) 's determination to find and establish the truth.
The people of Iran respected and looked up to Imam Khomeini (RA) as a symbol of God's will and manifestation of God's pureness, blessing, justice and beneficence. They saw Imam Khomeini (RA) as the one who doesn't fight except for God and doesn't act except for God's people. Imam Khomeini (RA), believing in God and devoting himself to his mission to save the deprived and oppressed of the world, had an enormous influence on the masses. It was this influence of Imam Khomeini (RA) on the people which led to the neutralization of the entire plot to divide the Revolution's leadership. His influence led to the fulfilling of such a great Revolution without reliance on arms or dependence on East or West.
Imam Khomeini (RA) was not only an indefatigable combatant, he was above all a Faqih, (Islamic jurisprudent) a person versed in gnosis, a devout man, a philosopher, a Quranic exegetist, a teacher of ethics, an anthropologist and a great politician. All these qualities came together in a man who was born on Mehr 2, 1279 (September 24, 1902) in a town called Khomein, 300 kilometers south of Tehran. He was of a religious family and during his childhood he witnessed his father's martyrdom in the path of the struggle against Reza Pahlavi.
Period of exile
He learned the Islamic and social sciences in the Theological Center of Qum. In 1342 (1963), when he was known as one of the great "marjie" i.e. (an authority to which one appeals) he was arrested for making a direct attack on the Shah and the United States but after eight months he was released. In Aban 1343 (October/November 1964), he was once again arrested for a more vigorous attack on the Shah and the U.S. and was exiled to Turkey and then to Najaf, Iraq.
After fourteen years in exile and a relentless struggle against the Shah's regime, on October 5, 1978 Imam Khomeini (RA) was expelled from Iraq and went to Paris. There, he continued his struggles until the 12th of Bahman 1357 H.S (February 1, 1979) when he returned to Iran amidst the enthusiastic welcome of millions of Iranians culminating to the victory of the Islamic Revolution on February 11, 1979.
Triumphant return home
Imam Khomeini (RA) returned to Iran, from exile and brought with him the 'Dawn of the Islamic Revolution,' and now the light of the full sun shines from the faces of those who have followed his guidance and accepted the tenets of Islam. The Islamic Republic of Iran like a beacon shines out across the globe and embraces the oppressed.
In his speech upon his arrival at Mehrabad airport, the Imam considered unity between Muslims and religious minorities , and between politicians and theologians, as the key to the victory of the Iranian nation against the despotic and he called on the people to be vigilant against the conspiracies of the remnants of the Shah's regime,. After delivering his speech, Imam Khomeini (RA) left for Behesht Zahra graveyard of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution cemetery where he delivered a historic speech for the Iranian people.
The Imam's speech at Behesht Zahra cemetery dealt with historical realities and the sufferings that the Iranian nation had been sufficed during 50 odd years of the hated, British over installed Pahlavi monarchy. The Imam stressed that the Iranian nation should determine their own fate and on this basis, he called for the formation of a popular government, an effective parliament and a system based on Islamic law, order and people's votes. With his analytical speech on the unlawful nature of the Shah's government and that of Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiyar's cabinet, Imam Khomeini (RA) expressed the objectives of the revolution for the Iranian nation and told the army that they should rely on moral values and be defenders of independence of the system. The Imam said: '' We want the country to have a system, but a system which is based on peoples will and is at the service of the nation, and not a system in which others rule.''
In his speech, Imam Khomeini (RA) gave the last warning to the illegal government of Bakhtiyar, announcing that a government should come to power which should rely on the votes of the people and Iranian nation will never permit the return of the fugitive Shah and continuation of his US- British supported rule. With the return home of the beloved leader, the Islamic revolution entered a new phase. After arrival in Tehran, Imam Khomeini (RA) stayed in a school in old quarters of Tehran .Thus the Iranian nation along with the Imam created immortal epics and traversed the path of the revolution proudly until the final victory.
The following area excerpts from his speech..... "We have suffered many disasters ..... But during this period, big disasters but great victories have also been achieved..... I cannot compensate for all the damage done to this nation.... I lost everything. May God the Almighty reward it ... Muhammad Reza Pahlavi has gone..... He fled after destroying everything... He ruined our country and made our cemeteries flourish..... Our agriculture is wiped out..... He kept our culture in a backward state... We have had universities for more than fifty years..... Due to treason committed against us however, there has been no human development..... .
"As regards oil, it has been given totally to foreigners whether to America or other countries.....If. God forbid, that man had remained on the throne for several more year.' our oil reserves would have been exhausted... The blood of our young has been shed for these same causes and for freedom... We want a strong country with a stable and powerful system. We do not seek to reverse the system totally, in fact we want to maintain it, only let it be based on and in the service of the people."
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২৩শে জুন বাংলার শেষ স্বাধীন নবাব জনাব সিরাজ উদ দৌলা ব্রিটিশদের কাছ হেরে যান কেবলমাত্র মীরজাফর, জগৎশেট, রাজভল্লভ, ঘষেটিদের কারণে। বাংলার ইতিহাসে এই দিনটি একটি অভিশপ্ত দিন। এর পর থেকে... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন
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