(RAMMSTEIN এর সঠিক উচ্চারণ রামস্টাইন, আইনস্টাইনের মত ।)
গানের কথা গুলো আক্ষরিকভাবে ইংরেজীতে অনুবাদ করা হয়েছে । বাংলায় অনুবাদ করার সাহস পেলাম না । আমার বাংলা শব্দ ভান্ডার খুবই সীমিত ।

প্রথম গানটি হচ্ছে Mutter বা মা । গানের কথাগুলো খুবই রহস্যময় । মানে গুলো পরিবর্তিত হতে থাকে সবসময়।
The tears of senile childs
I put them on a white hair
throw it in the air, the wet chain
and wish I had a mother
no sun that shines to me
no breast cryes milk to me
in my throat there is a tube
have no navel on my belly
Mother ... Mother
Mother ... Mother
I could not lick the nipples
and no fold to hide inside
no one gave me a name
made in hate and without sperm
to the mother that never born me
I swear this night
I will give you a disease
and after that I will sink it in the river
Mother ... Mother
Mother ... Mother
Mother ... Mother
Mother ... Mother
in her lungs ther lives an eel
on my face there is a mothersigne
remove it with the kiss of the knife
also if I die of it
Mother ... Mother ... Mother .. Mother !!
in her lungs ther lives an eel
on my face there is a mothersign
remove it with the kiss of the knife
also if I bleed out
Ohh ... give me strenght
Ohh ... give me strenght
Mother ... Mother
Ohh ... give me strength
Mother ... Mother
দ্বিতীয় গানটির মধ্যে কোন ভণিতা নাই ।
Ich will বা আমি চাই ।
I want
I want you to trust me
I want you to believe me
I want to feel your eyes
I want to control every heartbeat
I want to hear your voices
I want to disturb the peace
I want you to see me well
I want you to understand me
I want your fantasy
I want your energy
I want to see your hands
I want to go down in applause
Do you see me?
Do you understand me?
Do you feel me?
Do you hear me?
Can you hear me?
(We hear you)
Can you see me?
(We see you)
Can you feel me?
(We feel you)
I don't understand you
I want
We want you to trust us
We want you to believe everything from us
We want to see your hands
We want to go down in applause - yeah
Can you hear me?
(We hear you)
Can you see me?
(We see you)
Can you feel me?
(We feel you)
I don't understand you
Can you hear us?
(We hear you)
Can you see us?
(We see you)
Can you feel us?
(We feel you)
We don't understand you
I want
তৃতীয় গানটির কথাগুলো প্রথম গানটির চেয়েও রহস্যময় মনে হয় আমার কাছে । জার্মান ভাষাতেই এটার এতরকম মানে করা যায় যে ইংরেজী অনুবাদটা দিতে খারাপ লাগছে । তবুও একটা ধারণা যেন পান সেজন্য একটি আক্ষরিক অনুবাদ যুক্ত করে দিলাম ।
Rosenrot বা রক্তগোলাপ
A girl saw a little rose
It bloomed there in bright heights
She asked her sweetheart
if he could fetch it for her
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
Deep wells must be dug
if you want clear water
Rose-red, oh Rose-red
Deep waters don't keep still
The boy climbs the mountain in torment
He doesn't really care about the view
Only the little rose is on his mind
He brings it to his sweetheart
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
Deep wells must be dug
if you want clear water
Rose-red, oh Rose-red
Deep waters don't keep still
At his boots, a stone breaks
Doesn't want to be on the cliff anymore
And a scream lets everyone know
Both are falling to the ground
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
Deep wells must be dug
if you want clear water
Rose-red, oh Rose-red
Deep waters don't keep still
আরও তিনটি বোনাস গান

সর্বশেষ এডিট : ১৫ ই আগস্ট, ২০০৯ রাত ৩:৪৩