Hope & expectation varies man to man. All the people can't be happy on a lone matter, they vary as their very nature consists some natural dilemma, which grows differently in different ambiences. So, by born this human instict of being not complacented is implanted in human soul or we can mention as it in gene.
I myself, who has been craving for some personal achievement for a longer time, not happy with my unfulfilled dreams. Once, one of my favourite teacher told me that I was happy. He is right on his own perspective view. Though I couldn't argue his view, I was not satiesfied then, not even now. I'm running behind a goal, a dream, a passion.
All I know about my doing is it. It defines everything for me.
People around me may laugh at me or make henious remarks for not heeding their valueable advice. I don't care about them; what I care is only me as, I know what I'm doing.
সর্বশেষ এডিট : ০৩ রা মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ৯:০৮