ব্লগে পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে সাম্প্রতিক ঘটনাবলি নিয়ে অনেক লেখালেখি হচ্ছে. এ ব্যপারে অনেকের ব্লগে আমি মন্তব্য করেছি. মনে হচ্ছে, এটা নিয়ে আলাদা পোস্ট দেয়া যায়.
খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে একজন সেনা অফিসার কর্তৃক তার উদ্বিগ্ন সহকর্মীদের কাছে পাঠানো ইমেইলটি খানিকটা সম্পাদনা করে উদ্বৃত করলাম. বিলোপকৃত লেখাগুলো [...] এর মাধ্যমে বোঝানো হল. ব্যবহৃত abbreviationগুলো: civ admin- civil administration, auth- authority, incl- including, cont- continue, qtrs- quarters, 14 BIR- একটি সেনা ইউনিট, mil comd- military commander.
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Friends, Romans and Countrymen.. .lend me ur ears......
Thnaks a lot for all ur good wishes. It really means a lot. Well I'm sure most of u r very well info about the regional political dynamics of this area. ppl had been trying since long to evict the bangalees from this place. And since in the present context we also remain rather uncommitted in various issues thinking the civ admin would take care of these things, we again fall into the bombardment when things go wrong.
The way things dev I thank Allah (SWT) that only two lives had been lost. It very well could have 50, the way UPDF fired indiscriminately. They also got such courage since we tried our best not to react in any way for last couple of months in spite of their extreme provocation with teasing and women and all. They even went on telling the tribal that Army doesn’t have the auth to fire so do whatever u feel like incl burning of houses. and the result u know.....None of us wanted it. The tribals here r the ones who suffered most.....if they don't understand that they have to live with the Bangalees and keep on falling in the trap of UPDF's propaganda then probably they will cont to suffer in future also with such communal disharmony. All interested qtrs r trying their best to find out any small clues of Army's wrong doings but I can tell u one thing 14 BIR rather did not even do what they even should've done. [.........] it's no use starting a war when there IS NO war. and the mil comd should be trained to fight not to fight. and at the end of the day they r my unarmed countrymen.. ..whatever may be the case.
This time [.....] really perused the civ admin to come down here every day to solve the prob. The UNO was even here when the burning and the firing started. And now he has become the first scapegoat, who has already been wdr from BHC.