Seeing your baby for the first time
Watching your baby coming into the world can be the most incredible experience. The midwives may hand you the baby. If you feel afraid of hurting such a tiny person – don't be. Hold the baby close to your body.
Many new parents experience very strong emotions; some cry. It can feel difficult to go home and rest after such an intense experience, so think through what your needs might be at this time. You may want to tell someone about the birth before you can rest, but then sleep if you can. When the baby comes home (if the birth took place in hospital), you can expect sleepless nights for some time to come.
How to find Peace the True Way?
There are many suggestions on how to achieve Peace within oneself. Methods have been suggested or even developed to attain the Peace which seekers sought wholeheartedly. I was not seeking this Peace when my own world view came crashing down on me. My preconceived ideas and direction in life which I so carefully designed for my life didn't go as planned. My world crashed when the forces of nature, events and people I knew didn't behave as I had thought, things got worse so worst that it was broken and could not be fixed again. I realized that things are going to change drastically and they did.
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