Enters the beast with a grim hologram engraved distillery discussion perpetuating instances of detaining facts and figures.
“the hallway smiles naked against forces out there to overcome"
There are exercising facts supporting attainment of lasting willful exercise looting findings of the third eye's true rationale's overbearing sustenance briskly overshadowing grim filled wants.
'The clock strikes bitter sweetness'
Are we ready to drink some wine while the motions question hunger, minutes of exuberance filled splendor reaching out towards directions in the quest of filling up instances enriching true contribution encircled by spirit filled God who created to suffice, exploit nature's greatest gift to experiment, reach out towards humanity...
Coronation over shadows brilliance creating crafted expectations murmuring the mystic of effort. Agonizingly outgoing mixed goals shaping razor blade shine, within it the ocean called merry humanity. Stories end while myth's are born, plentiful joyous reactions clap hands, the voodoo sighs, cuckoo sings, the poet writes...
'there is only one witness'
Tame matrimony preying on the able footed stressful souls persuing the facts surrendering abruptly at reliant versions holding candles of vision leading to the kingdom of exemplary comprehension. Myth's are born, beautiful deeds live to view the fortunate engagement...
Ethics formulate the Beast and the Messiah, we smell to breathe their stride from drowning, setting the laws in order...
'Enter the Angel called hope'
Rekindled fort unity fabricated under ruthless compulsion wreaking to end notions in a joint collaboration of successful affinity, co-operative realization ushers new beginnings, loose ends play the game. Eyes sight simplicity effortlessly timing to view, the world rested on a wide variation of fighting the seconds. Abundance bound cheerful minutes grant solitary oath, eventful efforts are sweat and blood. On a stained pane bright forces enlighten the welcome, truly rewarded heroism is power of life.
Forces behind every action fighting to survive missionary odds make amends at faults risking threats visibly complying which anjgle to choose, whether to comply or be damned.
The Beast possesses steel claws, he shall smile, he shall give to the needy, he shall be worthy. There shall be more blood.
Matrimonial subjectivity shapes solidity. Laws, rules, norms hold on to the Beast's favorite palate. Childish innocence hassles teenage dilemmas overpowering horizons. Featuring the needs step into the gimmicks learning to hold ends, never to endanger simplicity bound minute mind games of the 'Mantra' controlling and reassessing
Power of the Beast..
সর্বশেষ এডিট : ৩০ শে নভেম্বর, ২০১৫ রাত ১২:৪৪