স্বপ্নের আমেরিকায় কি পরিমান অপরাধ সংঘটিত হয় আমরা কি তা জানি??
আসেন কিছু জানার চেষ্টা করি, মানবাধিকার এবং নারী অধিকারের দেশ আমেরিকাতে নারীদের কি অবস্থা।
আমেরিকা হলো এমন দেশ যেখানে পৃথিবীর অন্যন্য দেশের চেয়ে সবচেয়ে বেশি ধর্ষন হয়। সবচেয়ে বেশি চুরির দেশ আমেরিকা।
আসেন কিছু পরিসংখ্যান দেখা যাক।
* In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes ech month and 683,280 rapes each year.
* 1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
* The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
* 1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
* 83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
* 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
* 1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
* 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
* Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.* In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes ech month and 683,280 rapes each year.
* 1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
* The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
* 1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
* 83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
* 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
* 1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
* 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
* Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.
নিচে কিছু ওয়েব ঠিকানা দেয়া হলো। কষ্ট করে দেখে নিয়েন।
লিঙ্ক ১
লিঙ্ক ২
লিঙ্ক ৩
৪। FBI website এ গেলে সব কিছু বিস্তারিত পাবেন।
সর্বশেষ এডিট : ১৪ ই নভেম্বর, ২০০৯ রাত ২:১৫