You cannot find any secure and smooth way
Nobody looks you back
Nevertheless you should ever think
Have you not anyone as a link
Life turns to false and lack
In that insufferable part of life then
Like an appearing star in dark to enlighten
Comes forward a stranger
Who can only sooth your roaming mind
Eliminate the grief of you being so kind
Compose a path to be happier.
The stranger is none but who
Like a heart-fellow encourages you
Deserves to be a real friend
Remains with you always sitting by and to
Gives you cool the shadow whatever you do
Until approaches the great end.
Friend may have a bad desertion
Also may there be some rude collision
But harmony alliance must return
To get the sympathy and long co-operation
If you want him with numerous devotion
Just make a recall of fun.
Sometimes there may be self-interest
He will be devotee for your best
Relinquish all his demand
Unity lasts there for long life term
Gives you amour and care to efface harm
Dispel your solidity by own hand.
Show you inspiration towards your aim
Pray for your success in the life game
Mitigate your agonizing pain
Sacrifice his own life and try level best
To protect you in this perishable nest
If the chance he gain.
Feelings of this eternal relation
Never gets any end
He who is none but
Your dearest FRIEND.
সর্বশেষ এডিট : ১৩ ই মার্চ, ২০১০ বিকাল ৩:২৮