somewhere in... blog
ফোনেটিক ইউনিজয় বিজয়

দশে মিলি করি কাজ - অনুবাদ দরকার

১২ ই মে, ২০১২ সকাল ৮:৩৪
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :

ট্রান্সলেশন দরকার, কিন্তু কেমন জানি গুলাইয়া যাইতাছি, আসেন সবাই মিলে শেষ করি।
এক লাইন অনুবাদ করেন তাইলেই হইবো।


'No Description', বর্ণনা বিহীন
'Read more about', আরও বিস্তারিত পড়ুন
'Read more', বিস্তারিত পড়ুন
'Edit or Remove your link', পরিবর্তন বা অপসারণ করুন
'Review', পর্যালোচনা
'Link Owner Notif.' লিংক এর মালিককে জানান
'Email and Add Link', ইমেইল এবং লিঙ্ক যোগ
'User profile details', ব্যবহারকারীর প্রোফাইল বিস্তারিত
'Password recover', পাসওয়ার্ড উদ্ধার
'Article Owner Notif.', আর্টিকেল এর মালিককে জানান
'Month', মাস
'Trimester', ত্রৈমাসিক
'Semester', আধবছর
'Year', বছর
'Unlimited', সীমাহীন
'None', কিছুই না
'Free', বিনামূল্য
'Normal', সাধারণ
'This field is required.', এই ফিল্ডটি প্রয়োজনীয়
'Please fix this field.', অনুগ্রহপূর্বক এই ফিল্ডটি ঠিক করুন
'Invalid email address format.',
'Invalid URL.',
'Invalid date format.',
'Please enter a valid date (ISO).',
'Bitte geben Sie ein gültiges Datum ein.',
'Required numeric field.',
'Bitte geben Sie eine Nummer ein.',
'Required integer field.',
'Please enter a valid credit card number.',
'Please enter the same value again.',
'Please enter a value with a valid extension.',
'Please enter no more than {0} characters.',
'Please enter at least {0} characters.',
'This field must have minimum {0} characters and maximum {1} characters..',
'Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.',
'Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.',
'Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.',
'Site Name',
'List Articles',
'List Pages',
'Link Submit',
'Search Engine Optimization',
'Admin Area',
'Featured Links',
'Image Verification',
'Form Fields',
'Use with caution',
'Reciprocal Link Setup',
'Article Submit',
'Article Comments',
'Article Ratings',
'Author Info',
'Link Comments',
'Link Ratings',
'Visit PHP Link Directory homepage',
'Administrator Password Recovery',
'An error occured while recovering your password',
'Please check your email to confirm your new password request.',
'Recover password',
'Recover your lost password',
'Login to your administrator control panel',
'You can now login with your new password.',
'Administrator Login',
'Invalid username or password.',
'Some validation went wrong, please try again.',
'No permissions set for this user.',
'Recover your password',
'I forgot my password',
'This field is not a valid username. Only letters, numbers and "_" are allowed.',
'You have to select on option.',
'This field must have minimum #MIN# characters and maximum #MAX# characters.',
'You must accept terms and conditions before submitting.',
'The user name must have minimum 4 characters, maximum 15 characters and must contain only letters and digits.',
'The password must have minimum 6 characters and maximum 20 characters.',
'Password confirmation does not match. Please type again.',
'Invalid URL path. Allowed symbols are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -',
'Invalid filetype.',
'Your file either does not exist, has no "xml" or "gz" extension or is not writeable.',
'Invalid IP.',
'Invalid DOMAIN.',
'The URL could not be validated. Either the page does not exist or the server cound not be contacted.',
'Title is not unique in the parent category.',
'URL title is not unique in the parent category.',
'The content of this field is to long.',
'IP is allready banned!',
'Access denied for this email address!',
'Email address allready banned!',
'You are not allowed to ban this IP!',
'Domain is allready banned!',
'Domain is banned!',
'URL already exists in the directory.',
'URL already exists in the selected category.',
'Domain already exists in the directory.',
'Domain already exists in the selected category.',
'Sorry, but that e-mail address is already registered to a user.',
'Please select a category.',
'Invalid code.',
'Please select a pricing option.',
'No more featured links allowed for this category.',
'A link to #SITE_URL# could not be found at the specified URL.',
'Only 1 template for Email And Add Link can be defined.',
'Location of symbolic category cannot be parent category.',
'A symbolic category already exists for this category and parent category.',
'Symbolic category cannot have the same parent as the reference category.',
'The login name entered already exists.',
'Permission already granted for this category.',
'User already has permission for the parent(s) of this category.',
'You must agree to the rules to submit.',
'Name is not unique.',
'Approve Links',
'Reviewed Links',
'Link Payments',
'Validate Links',
'Approve Link Comments',
'New Article',
'Approve Articles',
'Reviewed Articles',
'Article Payments',
'Approve Article Comments',
'Media Manager',
'Media List',
'New Media',
'Inline Widgets',
'Inline Widgets List',
'New Widget',
'Available Widgets',
'How To Use Widgets',
'New Page',
'Link Types',
'Available Link Types',
'New Link Type',
'Available Submit Items',
'New Submit Item',
'User Management',
'Edit Users',
'Task Manager',
'Template Manager',
'Mobile Template Manager',
'Language Editor',
'Ban Control',
'Clean Cache Now',
'Cache Settings',
'Payment Settings',
'Article Payment Settings',
'Email Config',
'Email Template Setup',
'Edit Email Templates',
'Send Email',
'Send Email and Add Link',
'Send Newsletter',
'Sent Emails Report',
'Export Email Messages',
'Your installation is up to date, no updates are available for your version of PHP Link Directory.',
'Installer is still available. This poses a major security risk, please remove ',
' file immediately!     ',
'[more info]',
'The configuration file is still writable by the user the webserver runs under. This poses a security risk, please drop write permissions for ',
'Directory Searches',
'type ID or keywords',
'Add your search keywords',
'Click to start search',
'Active Links',
'Pending Links',
'Inactive Links',
'Active Link Comments',
'Pending Link Comments',
'Active Articles',
'Pending Articles',
'Inactive Articles',
'Active Article Comments',
'Pending Article Comments',
'New link',
'New article',
'New category',
'New page',
'View Directory',
'Logout of admin control panel',
'Menu item disabled',
'Operation successful.',
'Some errors occured during the operation.',
'Available widgets of type',
'View Widgets',
'No records found.',
'Zone Type',
'Check box to select this item.',
'Change status',
'Turn Off Widget',
'Turn On Widget',
'Edit settings for',
'Move up',
'Move down',
'None yet',
'Manage multiple selections',
'Select All',
'Select None',
'Change Status',
'Hide selected widgets',
'Show selected widgets',
'Arabic (ASMO 708)',
'Arabic (DOS)',
'Arabic (ISO)',
'Arabic (Mac)',
'Arabic (Windows)',
'Baltic (DOS)',
'Baltic (ISO)',
'Baltic (Windows)',
'Central European (DOS)',
'Central European (ISO)',
'Central European (Mac)',
'Central European (Windows)',
'Chinese Simplified (EUC)',
'Chinese Simplified (GB2312)',
'Chinese Simplified (HZ)',
'Chinese Simplified (Mac)',
'Chinese Traditional (Big5)',
'Chinese Traditional (CNS)',
'Chinese Traditional (Eten)',
'Chinese Traditional (Mac)',
'Cyrillic (DOS)',
'Cyrillic (ISO)',
'Cyrillic (KOI8-R)',
'Cyrillic (KOI8-U)',
'Cyrillic (Mac)',
'Cyrillic (Windows)',
'German (IA5)',
'Greek (DOS)',
'Greek (ISO)',
'Greek (Mac)',
'Greek (Windows)',
'Greek, Modern (DOS)',
'Hebrew (DOS)',
'Hebrew (ISO-Logical)',
'Hebrew (ISO-Visual)',
'Hebrew (Mac)',
'Hebrew (Windows)',
'Icelandic (DOS)',
'Icelandic (Mac)',
'ISCII Assamese',
'ISCII Bengali',
'ISCII Devanagari',
'ISCII Gujarathi',
'ISCII Kannada',
'ISCII Malayalam',
'ISCII Oriya',
'ISCII Panjabi',
'ISCII Tamil',
'ISCII Telugu',
'Japanese (EUC)',
'Japanese (JIS)',
'Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana)',
'Japanese (Mac)',
'Japanese (Shift-JIS)',
'Korean (EUC)',
'Korean (ISO)',
'Korean (Johab)',
'Korean (Mac)',
'Latin 3 (ISO)',
'Latin 9 (ISO)',
'Norwegian (IA5)',
'OEM United States',
'Swedish (IA5)',
'Thai (Windows)',
'Turkish (DOS)',
'Turkish (ISO)',
'Turkish (Mac)',
'Turkish (Windows)',
'Unicode (Big-Endian)',
'Unicode (UTF-7)',
'Unicode (UTF-8)',
'Vietnamese (Windows)',
'Western European (DOS)',
'Western European (IA5)',
'Western European (ISO)',
'Western European (Mac)',
'Western European (Windows)',
'Your site name.',
'Your site URL with the trailing slash /',
'Your site description.',
'Contact email',
'Email address where to send contact messages',
'Main Content',
'The text that is displayed on the Main page.',
'Basic Html accepted if RTE is disabled.',
'Submission Terms',
'The text that is displayed on the rules page. Both Article and Link Submit pages link to this',
'Google Analytics Code',
'Insert your Google Analytics code here, this code will be inserted in all pages',
'Server offset time',
'Select the number of hours time difference between where you are and where the server is. Current time on server is #SERVER_TIME#, current time on server using the currently saved offset is #OFFSET_TIME#.',
'HTTP Character Set',
'Documents transmitted with HTTP that are of type text, such as text/html, text/plain, etc., can send a charset parameter in the HTTP header to specify the character encoding of the document.',
'In theory, any character encoding that has been registered with IANA can be used, but there is no browser that understands all of them. The more widely a character encoding is used, the better the chance that a browser will understand it. A Unicode encoding such as UTF-8 is a good choice for a number of reasons.',
'Make sure your template does send the correct HTTP character set header. For HTML or XHTML served as HTML, you should always use the tag inside .',
'Directory title',
'Page title to be used on the directory pages',
'Categories columns',
'Number of columns.',
'Show count',
'Show the number of links and subcategories next to the category name',
'Subcategories preview',
'No. of subcategories shown on the main page for each category (0 to disable)',
'Category selection method',
'Type of category selection to use on submit forms. This will not work with multiple categories, and will be replaced by the Regular category selection. For more than 5000 categories, we strongly recommend the "AJAX method"',
'Regular Selection',
'Defined (no selection possible)',
'Live category selection with AJAX',
'Enable PageRank',
'Enables the Google PageRank calculation functionality.',
'Show PageRank',
'Show the Google PageRank for links.',
'Default link sorting',
'Default sorting for links on directory pages.',
'Date Added',
'No follow on broken recipr.',
'Set nofollow attribute on links with broken/missing reciprocal link.',
'If recpr. required',
'Links on top pages',
'Number of links on the top pages (Latest Links, Top Hits).',
'Enable RSS',
'Enable RSS feeds on directory pages',
'Enable Internal RSS Links',
'If Yes Rss links point to details page. If No links go to the listed site.',
'Require Email Confirmation',
'Emails must be confirmed at user registration, otherwise users will not be allowed any submissions. For unregistered users, the email address supplied at submission must be confirmed before the link shows up within the directory. Link types that have the OWNER_EMAIL field disabled will be considered to have the owner email confirmed.',
'Show only links with confirmed emails on approval page',
'Emails must be confirmed for the link to show on the approval page. WARNING you could possibly hide paid links awaiting approval and they end up deleted..',
'Wait For Email Confirmation',
'Number of days to wait for before unconfirmed links are deleted.',
'Paging: Maximum per page.',
'Number of links on the links pages.',
'Paging: Page groupings.',
'Default number of page groupings displayed.',
'New Windows',
'Enable links to open in a new window.',
'Main categories field sort',
'Choose field to sort main categories.',
'Choose sort order for main categories.',
'Subcategories field sort',
'Choose field to sort subcategories.',
'Choose sort order for subcategories.',
'Boolean search',
'Choose your search type. Boolean for more exact matches but usually less results, or regular search with more results but not that exact matches.',
'Works only on MySQL version 4.0.1 and above, it also needs to be activated by the server administrator.',
'Limit link/category hits time range (in hours)',
'Prevent multiple hits increment from a specific IP for the given time range.',
'Compress output',
'Compress output for faster loading time and for bandwidth saving using the gzip program. Output compression must be supported by server and client.',
'Use at your own risk, some search engines and most online tools like validators or SEO's cannot deal with compressed pages and errors or strange characters might show up!',
'Compression level',
'Lower compression level means less compressed output and less CPU usage, higher level means better compressed output and more CPU usage.',
'Require registered user',
'To submit or modify, the user must be registered. ATTENTION: disabling this will automatically disable the "Require Email Confirmation" option in directory settings.',
'Google Maps',
'Enable Google Maps on Details Page. This applies to ALL Link Types at this time. ',
'When google maps is turned on, the address fields are added to link submit and detail pages.',
'Google Map API Key',
'You Must Register at Click This Link
'Front End Rich Text Editor',
'Select what text editor enable to enhance front end submissions.',
'Disable Link Submissions',
'Turns off link submissions to your directory.',
'Disable Reason',
'The reason that submissions are disabled.',
'Basic Html accepted if RTE is Disabled',
'Enable URL rewrite',
'Enables generation of search engine friendly and descriptive URLs.',
'Rewrite Output',
'Select the type of the rewrite output.',
'Output extension',
'Select the extension of the rewrite output.',
'No Extension (Just the title)',
'Enable META tags',
'Default META keywords',
'This are the default META keywords used if META keywords are enabled and no keywords are found on the browsing page.',
'A META keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes/keywords which you would like search engines to rank your site.',
'Default META description',
'This is the default META description used if META descriptions are enabled and no description is found on the browsing page.',
'A META description tag is supposed to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content.',
'Default META author',
'The author META tag defines the name of the author of the document being read.',
'Default META copyright',
'The copyright META tag is used to include copyright information in the document.',
'Default META robots',
'The Robots META tag is a simple mechanism to indicate to visiting web robots if a page should be indexed, or links on the page should be followed.',
'Force valid HTTP status 200/OK',
'This option will send a forced HTTP status 200/OK header on all valid pages.',
'Should be used with care only to override webserver status!',
'Force invalid HTTP status 200/OK',
'This option will send a forced HTTP status 200/OK header on all invalid (404/Not Found) pages.',
'Do NOT use with Google/Yahoo sitemap submissions!',
'Emailer Method ',
'Method used to send emails.',
'PHP mail function',
'SMTP server',
'sendmail command',
'Email server (SMTP only)',
'The email server used to send emails.',
'SMTP user (SMTP only)',
'Only if your email server requires authentication.',
'SMTP password (SMTP only)',
'sendmail path (sendmail only)',
'Path to sendmail program',
'Submit notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when the link is submitted.',
'You can edit the templates ',
'Link approve notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when the link is approved.',
'Link reject notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when the link is rejected.',
'Link payment notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when a payment is received.',
'Reviewed Submit notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when a reviewed link is submitted.',
'Reviewed Link approve notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when a reviewed link is approved.',
'Rewviewed Link reject notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when a reviewed link is rejected.',
'Expired recipr. link page.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when the reciprocal link could not be found on the reciprocal link page after validation.',
'Invoice notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to link the owner when the link needs payment.',
'Article invoice notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when the article needs payment.',
'User details',
'Email template used for emailing users their profile settings.',
'User password recovery',
'Email template used for emailing users their password recovery details.',
'Article Submit notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when the article is submitted.',
'Article approve notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when the article is approved.',
'Article reject notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when the article is rejected.',
'Reviewed Article Submit notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when a reviewed article is submitted.',
'Reviewed Article approve notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when a reviewed article is approved.',
'Reviewed Article reject notif.',
'Email template used for notifications sent to article the owner when a reviewed article is rejected.',
'Enable debugging',
'PHP error logs are created in ./temp folder.',
'Links per page',
'The maximum number of links to be displayed on a page.',
'Emails per page',
'The maximum number of Emails to be displayed on a page.',
'Bypass security warnings',
'Do not show possible security warnings on the main page of your administrator control panel.',
'Enable news',
'Retrieve the latest news from',
'Redirect timeout',
'Timeout of redirect messages (in seconds)',
'Type of category selection to use on submit forms. This will not work with multiple categories, and will be replaced by the Regular category selection. ',
'JavaScript and AJAX support must be enabled in your browser to use AJAX Live Category Selection!',
'Admin Rich Text Editor',
'Select what text editor enable to enhance back end submissions.',
'Max. featured links',
'The maximum number of featured links accepted per category.',
'PayPal account',
'Your PayPal account.',
'Define currency',
'Defines the currency you want to receive money.',
'US Dollar',
'Canadian Dollar',
'Australian Dollar',
'Pound Sterling',
'Japanese Yen',
'Enable subscription',
'Enables to automatically renew payment after validity period.',
'Subscriptions are not possible if time unit is set to: unlimited.',
'Subscriptions calculate semesters as 6 months.',
'Visual confirmation',
'Display antispam visual confirmation code on link submit page.',
'Visual confirmation distort level',
'Select a distortion level for the visual confirmation code.',
'no distorsion',
'low distorsion',
'medium distorsion',
'heavy distorsion',
'extreme distorsion',
'Visual confirmation phrase length',
'Select the phrase length for the visual confirmation.',
'Visual confirmation phrase type',
'Select the phrase type for the visual confirmation.',
'Really simple image verification',
'Select this option for a basic image and/or if no TTF or GD font support is enabled.',
'Visual confirmation image preview',
'Visual Confirmation Preview',
'Minimum Loginname Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a valid loginname, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid loginnames.',
'Maximum Loginname Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a valid loginname, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid loginnames.',
'Minimum Username Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a valid username, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid usernames.',
'Maximum Username Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a valid username, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid usernames.',
'Minimum Password Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a valid password, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid password.',
'Maximum Password Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a valid password, for the purpose of ensuring that new members create valid password.',
'Minimum Link Title Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid link titles.',
'Maximum Link Title Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid link titles.',
'Minimum Link Description Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid link descriptions.',
'Maximum Link Description Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid link descriptions.',
'Minimum Article Title Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in an article title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid article titles.',
'Maximum Article Title Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in an article title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid article titles.',
'Minimum Article Description Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in an article description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid articles.',
'Maximum Article Description Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in an article description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid articles.',
'Minimum Article Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in an article, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid articles.',
'Maximum Article Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in an article, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid articles.',
'Minimum Category Title Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid category titles.',
'Maximum Category Title Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a title, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid category titles.',
'Minimum Category Description Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid category descriptions.',
'Maximum Category Description Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid category descriptions.',
'Minimum META Keywords Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters for META keywords, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid keywords.',
'Maximum META Keywords Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters for META keywords, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid keywords.',
'Minimum META Description Length',
'Enter the minimum number of characters in a META description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid META descriptions.',
'Maximum META Description Length',
'Enter the maximum number of characters in a META description, for the purpose of ensuring that members create valid META descriptions.',
'Request success status code',
'The page where a reciprocal link is placed must return a success status code.',
'Success status codes are',
'Informational 1xx (ie: "100 Continue")',
'Successful 2xx (ie: "200 OK")',
'Many pages return incorrect status codes even if content is complete and reciprocal link available.',
'Check for "nofollow" attribute',
'Check if reciprocal link tag has a #NOFOLLOW# attribute or if global #NOFOLLOW# link rules are set via META tags.',
'Only domain checking',
'Check if only domain is available as reciprocal link.',
'It's likely to match domain easier than full reciprocal link.',
'Same Domain for Link and Reciprocal',
'Check if only submitted link and reciprocal are on the same domain.',
'This only compares the urls for the same domain.',
'Enable three-way-linking',
'Submitters will have to link to a third site instead of this one.',
'Three-way-link URL',
'The URL of the site where submitters have to link.',
'Three-way-link Title',
'The title of the site where submitters have to link.',
'Allow HTML',
'Allows or disallows visitors from posting HTML code in web forms.',
'It is advisable to disallow your visitors from posting HTML code to prevent possible XSS attacks or layout changes!',
'Cleaned variables are: #CLEAN_VARS#',
'Allowed HTML tags',
'HTML tags that visitors are allowed to post in your web forms.',
'Separate by comma, no spaces or other characters allowed.',
'Allows or disallows visitors from posting HTML ATTRIBUTES code in web forms. Examples are width, height and href (use with a)',
'Allowed HTML ATTRIBUTE tags',
'HTML ATTRIBUTE tags that visitors are allowed to post in your web forms.',
'Force unique submit session',
'This option creates a unique session for every visitor when submit page is requested, only a perfect match of both the session and the unique hash allow the link to be saved in the database.',
'This option could cause some inconvenience for some visitors because strict rules have to be followed.',
'For extra spam protection, disallow link submission from clients that do not provide an user agent, usually these are spam bots.',
'Secret session password',
'Define a secret password that will be used to create better submit session.',
'Allow empty user agent',
'This option allows clients with an empty user agent to submit links.',
'Most browsers send an user agent string, but some spam bots do not.',
'Allow foreign submissions',
'Allows or disallows submissions from other pages than yours.',
'It is advisable to not allow submissions from other pages.',
'To submit or modify, the user must be registered. ATTENTION: disabling this will automatically disable the "Require Email Confirmation" option in directory settings.',
'Disable Article Submissions',
'Disable Article Reason',
'The reason that article submissions are disabled.',
'Allow meta tags submission',
'Allows users to submit custom meta tags for article.',
'Use article comments',
'Turn on/off comments for articles.',
'To submit a comment the user must be registered',
'Visual confirmation on comment submissions',
'Submitter must enter visual confirmation before submission process is successful.',
'(uses same settings for visual confirmation as article submission)',
'Auto approve comments',
'Turn on/off auto approval of comments.',
'Auto approve comments amount',
'Allows users to be auto approved when posting comments after this many have been approved.',
'Use article ratings',
'Turn on/off ratings for articles.',
'Minimum Rating',
'Minimum rating needed to show on top articles page.',
'Minimum Votes',
'Minimum votes needed to show on top articles page.',
'To submit a rating the user must be registered',
'Set time between ratings',
'Time that must pass before same user may submit another rating.',
'Display ratings as',
'Set the way you want ratings to be displayed as images or numbers.',
'If you select image, then you must have rate_1.gif, rate_2.gif, etc. in your template images folder.',
'Use author info pages',
'This will create a page for each author that will display some info about them and a website.',
'Allow registered user anonymous status',
'If registered user wishes, they may have anonymous displayed instead of their name on their articles.',
'Database caching',
'Increases database efficiency by caching the results.',
'Caching can help the database server backend to save part or all of the work it performs so it doesn't have to repeat the entire sequence of steps.',
'Database cache timeout',
'The default database cache timeout until a stored query will expire.',
'Default is ##DEFAULT_DBCACHE_TIMEOUT## seconds',
'Daily CRON time to flush database cache',
'Set the time of day when a CRON job is executed to flush the comeplete database cache.',
'This feature is used only to keep the database cache folder clean, as it could get large on directories with high traffic.',
'Last CRON job executed',
'Use link "tell friend" functionality',
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'The image portion is still beta.',
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'Enables the paid articles functionality.',
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'Unit price for regular articles. Set to 0 if you don't want to require any payment for regular articles',
'Featured price',
'Unit price for featured articles. If greater than 0 users will be able to submit featured articles.',
'Free articles',
'Enables free articles, but with a nofollow attribute.',
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'Note: Selected categories, subcategories, their links and articles can not be restored after removal!',
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'item(s) selected',
'Please select a category!',
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'Title is not valid: most likely, not unique in parent category or contains problematic characters.',
'Title is not valid: most likely, not unique in parent category.',
'ID not provided or not valid in parent category.',
'An error occured while saving.',
'Category saved.',
'subcategories saved',
'Create new symbolic category',
'Create new',
' symbolic',
' category',
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'Place a line break between each category title',
'Duplicate entries are auto skipped',
'Leave blank to follow the title of the category that you're creating a symbolic link for',
'URL Title',
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'If checked category page or custom url page will be opened in a new window',
'Sort Order',
'RSS feed:',
'For an automatic update from the RSS feed set ',
' to run as a cron job.',
'Symbolic category for',
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'META Keywords',
'Separate keywords by comma.',
'META Description',
'Page Title',
'Main area Content for the Category',
'Save category',
'The category contains ',
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' article(s)',
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'We require the Reciprocal to be on the same domain as the link you are submitting.',
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'specified above, before submiting this form',
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সর্বশেষ এডিট : ১২ ই মে, ২০১২ সকাল ৮:৪২
২টি মন্তব্য ০টি উত্তর

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন

ছবি সংযুক্ত করতে এখানে ড্রাগ করে আনুন অথবা কম্পিউটারের নির্ধারিত স্থান থেকে সংযুক্ত করুন (সর্বোচ্চ ইমেজ সাইজঃ ১০ মেগাবাইট)
Shore O Shore A Hrosho I Dirgho I Hrosho U Dirgho U Ri E OI O OU Ka Kha Ga Gha Uma Cha Chha Ja Jha Yon To TTho Do Dho MurdhonNo TTo Tho DDo DDho No Po Fo Bo Vo Mo Ontoshto Zo Ro Lo Talobyo Sho Murdhonyo So Dontyo So Ho Zukto Kho Doye Bindu Ro Dhoye Bindu Ro Ontosthyo Yo Khondo Tto Uniswor Bisworgo Chondro Bindu A Kar E Kar O Kar Hrosho I Kar Dirgho I Kar Hrosho U Kar Dirgho U Kar Ou Kar Oi Kar Joiner Ro Fola Zo Fola Ref Ri Kar Hoshonto Doi Bo Dari SpaceBar
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :
আলোচিত ব্লগ

আওয়ামী লীগ নিষিদ্ধ ইস্যুতে প্রধান উপদেষ্টার পদত্যাগ কেন দাবী করলো না এনসিপি ?

লিখেছেন সৈয়দ কুতুব, ২২ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ রাত ১১:৩৫

বাংলাদেশের রাজনীতির মঞ্চে আওয়ামী লীগ দলটি এখন ফুটবলের মতো ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে। আওয়ামী লীগ কে নিষিদ্ধ না পুনর্বাসন ইস্যুতে বড়ো ছোটো সকল রাজনৈতিক দলের মধ্যে বিভক্তি দেখা যাচ্ছে। নবগঠিত রাজনৈতিক দল... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

"মিস্টার মাওলা"

লিখেছেন কলিমুদ্দি দফাদার, ২৩ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ ভোর ৫:০৯

বিটিভিতে খুব সম্ভবত আগে একটি বাংলা ছবি প্রচার করা হতো , নাম 'মিস্টার মাওলা'। নায়ক রাজ রাজ্জাক, অভিনিত ছবির সার-সংক্ষেপ কিছুটা এমন: গ্রামের বোকাসোকা, নির্বোধ ছেলে মাওলা‌। মাকে হারিয়ে শহরে... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

এখন বোঝা যাচ্ছে বাংলাদেশ কেন উন্নত দেশ হতে পারেনি এবং ভবিষ্যতেও (সম্ভবত) হতে পারবে না…

লিখেছেন বিচার মানি তালগাছ আমার, ২৩ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ সকাল ১১:২২

১. সশস্ত্র যুদ্ধের মাধ্যমে গুটিকয়েক যে কয়েকটি দেশ বিশ্বে স্বাধীনতা লাভ করেছে তার মধ্যে বাংলাদেশ অন্যতম। ১৯৭১ সালে এত রক্তের বিনিময়ে যে দেশ তৈরি হয়েছিল, তার সরকারে যারা ছিল... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

শাহ সাহেবের ডায়রি ।। সুনিতা উইলিয়ামস: মহাকাশ অনুসন্ধানে অনুপ্রেরণার যাত্রা

লিখেছেন শাহ আজিজ, ২৩ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ সকাল ১১:২৪

সুনিতা উইলিয়ামস কে? যদিও তুমি তোমার পাঠ্যপুস্তকে সুনিতা উইলিয়ামসের কথা শুনেছো, তবুও তুমি হয়তো ভাবছো যে সে কে ?

বিখ্যাত নভোচারী সুনিতা উইলিয়ামসের ক্যারিয়ার ২০ বছরেরও বেশি সময় ধরে সেরা, এবং... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন

শাহ সাহেবের ডায়রি ।। ইলন মাস্ক , এসময়ের নায়ক

লিখেছেন শাহ আজিজ, ২৩ শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ দুপুর ১:১০

সুনিতা উইলিয়ামদের ফিরিয়ে আনার আসল নায়ক!

৯ মাস! হ্যাঁ, পুরো ৯ মাস ধরে মহাকাশে আটকে ছিলেন নাসার মহাকাশচারী সুনিতা উইলিয়াম। একটি কারিগরি ত্রুটির কারণে তিনি পৃথিবীতে ফিরে আসতে... ...বাকিটুকু পড়ুন
